About us

About us

We are passionate to make complex autonomous systems work safely and reliably for the most advanced technology ambitions of our clients. We seek international excellence, synergise our capabilities and enjoy working in an environment of intellectual fulfilment.
About us preview

Our Vision

Enabling human value through safe and reliable automation.

Our Mission

Develop outstanding innovative methodologies, products and services to improve and manage reliability, availability, maintainability and survivability of safety and mission critical systems.

Manifesto of Sensmetry

“Our moral conviction is that each human life is of deep and equal value, and that technology at its core must be entrenched with these beliefs in order to properly serve humanity. We focus our intellectual gifts on ensuring these values are instilled within robotics and automation technologies that serve humanity through complex interaction with human society. We perform this work with pleasure, in an environment of intellectual fulfilment and mutual respect, recognizing the desire of each person to excel. The world is what we make it, and we choose to make it a better, safer place, by enabling the safe and moral interaction of humans and the robotic machinery they build.”


Vilnius Office

Our Lithuanian office is located in the heart of the city. It's just minutes away from the city centre while also being easily accessible even from most distant districts of the city. Most of the people in the company are located here.
Vilnius Office preview

Uppsala Office

Our Swedish office is a small, but quickly growing sibling to the one in Lithuania. It's located in the historic center of Uppsala and we're looking forward to expanding it very soon!
Uppsala Office preview

Meet the team!

Dr Juozas Vaicenavicius avatar

Dr Juozas Vaicenavicius

CEO, Co-Founder
Juozas is an industrial researcher in Machine Learning & Statistics with 8 years of experience in modeling and evaluating intelligent systems; from atomic clocks in satellites to computer vision algorithms in autonomous vehicles. He completed his PhD in Mathematical Statistics at Uppsala University, SWE, prior studies at Oxford University. Juozas is also a SOTIF contributing expert.
Dr Steven Keen avatar

Dr Steven Keen

Co-CEO, Business Development, Co-Founder
Steve is a controls and software engineer with 25 years of experience in the development and commissioning of complex automotive systems. He received his PhD in Engineering (2009) from the University of Cambridge on the topic of "Driver steering behavior & modeling for automated driving" and is currently a SOTIF contributing expert.
Tilo Wiklund avatar

Tilo Wiklund

Chief Architect
Tilo is a multi-disciplinary researcher in Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. Tilo has contributed to both fundamental and applied research across domain boundaries while a PhD student at Uppsala University, SWE, and more recently in industry. Tilo is an expert in statistical modeling, high-dimensional data analysis, an open-source contributor, and a functional programming enthusiast.
Dr Rimantas Vaicenavicius avatar

Dr Rimantas Vaicenavicius

Chief Statistician, Principal Advisor on Methods and Strategy
Rimantas is an accomplished statistician with over two decades of experience in official statistics as well as data & process quality assessment and management. His past work spans broadly across different industry & government sectors and geographical locations. Rimantas has experience of top management positions in central government institutions, and consults decision makers internationally. Rimantas received a PhD in Mathematics from the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk in 1991.
Kęstutis Jankevičius avatar

Kęstutis Jankevičius

Chief Systems Engineer
Kęstutis is a systems engineer with controls and model-based software development background. Prior to joining Sensmetry, he spent 6 years working at Jaguar Land Rover as a controls engineer developing various software functions in the xEV Energy Management area with a particular focus in usage of ADASIS E-Horizon map data. Kęstutis graduated from The University of Edinburgh, with an MEng degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering.
Domantas Cibas avatar

Domantas Cibas

Tech Lead R&D (Embedded Systems)
Domantas has 6+ years of experience in embedded systems development and software engineering at both established industry leaders and innovative startups. Before Sensmetry, Domantas worked at ARM in Cambridge as well as at automation startups in the renewable energy and automotive fleet telematics areas. Domantas obtained an MEng in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Edinburgh.
Simas Vaitkevičius avatar

Simas Vaitkevičius

Project Portfolio Manager, Tech Lead
Simas is a Software and Systems Engineer with a solid background in project management. He graduated from the University of Sheffield with an MEng in Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering. Simas has 5+ years of experience in Software Engineering at Rolls-Royce plc. and Trimble Inc., where he contributed to the application software development for Trent 900, UltraFan engines, and Tekla Structures BIM software.
Kamilė Rastenė avatar

Kamilė Rastenė

Tech Lead R&D (Software Engineering)
Kamilė graduated from University of Cambridge with an MEng and BA in Information and Computer Engineering. She has 4+ years of experience at Microsoft Norge. Her technical expertise lies in back-end engineering for large and legacy software systems, and in developing microservices and distributed systems.
Simonas Draukšas avatar

Simonas Draukšas

Tech Lead (Software & Systems)
Simonas is an R&D Engineer with a focus on design and implementation of Control Systems in automated vehicles. He has graduated from Delft University of Technology (NL) with an MSc in Vehicle Engineering. Simonas’ previous experience centres on the development of control systems for eBikes and inventive processes leading to the construction of a self-made motorbike.
Dovydas Bieliauskas avatar

Dovydas Bieliauskas

Solutions Engineer
Dovydas is a Solutions Engineer with a technical background in systems and reliability engineering. He earned a BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manchester (UK) and a dual MEng degree in Mechatronics at Vilnius Tech (LT) and Technische Universität Braunschweig (DE).
Justinas Jankevičius avatar

Justinas Jankevičius

R&D Engineer (Systems)
Justinas is a Systems Engineer with a strong background in behaviour modelling in SysML, ConOps development, and software testing. He holds an MSc in Renewable Energy & Clean Technologies from the University of Manchester. Justinas’ professional experience ranges from being an Innovation Engineer to Senior Grid Technology Engineer at ESO, LT.
Jonas Pukšta avatar

Jonas Pukšta

R&D Engineer (Software)
Jonas is a Software Engineer with a strong technical background in Machine Learning. He received his Master’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge. Besides work, Jonas is immersed in creating computer games, tutoring, and regularly contributing to the National Informatics Olympiad in Lithuania for high school students.
Mattias Mineur avatar

Mattias Mineur

R&D Engineer
Mattias is a Software Engineer with a strong awareness of Control Theory. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Uppsala University, SWE, and has contributed to the sustainability and energy conservation project as a Software Developer, where he gained a proficiency in using the techniques of neural networks and AI modelling.
Ričardas Navickas avatar

Ričardas Navickas

R&D Engineer
Ričardas is an R&D engineer with a specific focus on code development for complex cyber-physical systems. He graduated from the University of Cambridge with a bachelor's degree in Engineering. In his past projects he has contributed to the development of data processing, visualisation tools, and diagnostic software for mission-critical embedded applications.
Daumantas Kavolis avatar

Daumantas Kavolis

Research Engineer
Daumantas is an R&D Engineer with a deep focus in mathematical engineering in the aerospace domain. He is a PhD candidate in Engineering at the University of Cambridge with his academic research focused on uncertainty quantification and uncertainty based aerospace design optimisation.
Žygimantas Gelbūda avatar

Žygimantas Gelbūda

R&D Engineer (Embedded Systems)
Žygimantas is an Embedded Software Engineer with a deep focus in complex cyber-physical systems. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Vilnius Tech University, LT. Žygimantas is fluent in several programming languages, and has experience in embedded software development for GPS trackers.
Virginia Jimenez avatar

Virginia Jimenez

R&D Engineer (Data Engineering Science)
Virginia is a Data Scientist with a deep focus on Machine Learning and Statistics. She holds a Master's degree in Data Science from the University of Uppsala, SWE. She has conducted research based on a complete car crash database in Lithuania.

HR, Marketing & Operations

Rūta Kaupinytė-Gotesman avatar

Rūta Kaupinytė-Gotesman

HR & Marketing Manager
Rūta has 20+ years of experience in the fields of business development, marketing, creative industries, corporate training and consulting. In the past, she managed the USAID/World Learning program and worked in private companies by helping them grow. Rūta has an International EMBA from Baltic Management Institute and is a professional teacher with study experience in the USA.
Lauksmina Kriščiūnaitė-Plikšnienė avatar

Lauksmina Kriščiūnaitė-Plikšnienė

Innovation Portfolio Manager
Lauksmina is an Innovation Portfolio manager with a distinct background in IT project management. Besides having 10+ years of experience in  the field of managing various IT projects, she has also been working in the cultural sector, where she gathered experience in cultural management, spanning from event organization and human resources to international relations. At Sensmetry, Lauksmina is focusing on pursuing and managing national and EU funding projects to support Sensmetry’s technological offering, business development, and operations.
Milda Kukytė avatar

Milda Kukytė

Project Generalist-Writer
Milda graduated from Vilnius University with a BA degree in English Philology. Her academic interests focus on Cognitive Linguistics and Metaphor Research. At Sensmetry, Milda specializes in technical writing and communication.


Dan Klein avatar

Dan Klein

Advisor, UK
Dan has a strong track record in building business by exploiting existing intellectual property to meet customer needs. He is well networked and operates at the Board level of large listed companies. He provides unique and practical leadership to the delivery of ‘bottom line’ improvements in large complex operations. An engineer by training at the University of Cambridge.
Dr Raazesh Sainudiin avatar

Dr Raazesh Sainudiin

Advisor, Mathematical Data Engineering Sciences, Sweden
Raazesh is an outstanding researcher in Statistics and an industry leader in Data Science & Engineering. The research university list includes Oxford, Cornell (USA), and recently Uppsala (SWE), where Raazesh is an Associate Professor of Mathematics with specialisation in Data Science. Raazesh's industrial experience ranges from co-founding and leading the development of an advanced data analytics product in a tech start-up, to guiding AI strategy as 'Director, Technical Strategy & Research'.
Fintan Early avatar

Fintan Early

Advisor, Japan
Fintan combines deep experience in automotive engineering, business, and leadership. He managed multi-billion account relationships and worked in leadership positions at global automotive Tier-1 Suppliers and OEM`s in Japan for more than 27 years.  Fintan serves Japanese corporations leading sensitive high-stake meetings and is in active search for new cutting-edge technologies and IPs. Fintan has a BSc in mechanical engineering from the Trinity College Dublin and is fluent in Japanese.

Interested in working together?

Send us an email at info@sensmetry.com